St. Patrick Day Celebration at Turtles Head







En este evento se pudo ver  claramente a todos los miembros y amigos disfrutando a plenitud en el Turtles Head. La mayor�a con cervezas, o probando suerte con los dardos pasaron una noche incre�ble. Todos conversaban sobre diversos temas, y por supuesto nunca faltaron los nuevos lazos hacia los negocios fomentados durante la noche.  Tambi�n se llevaron a cabo varios concursos y una rifa donde el afortunado disfrutar� de unas geniales vacaciones en Santo Domingo.







This event was full of joy among all members and friends. We enjoyed beer, darts, raffles and of course incredible talk. Different subjects were placed on the talks and of course this was another opportunity to enhanced business among all.  Few raffles were organized by the chamber and among them a ticket to Santo Domingo was the principal price.