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St Patrick's Day





Maria Susana Rivadeneira (Miss Ecuador 2004), Gabriela Alfonso (Srta. Patronato), Janio S�nchez (Vicepresidente CCEC), Venessa Fisher (Miss Canada 2004), y Bill Ibbitson (Presidente CCEC)

Our feature event was wonderful lunch with Miss Canada, Vanessa Fisher, Miss Ecuador, Maria Susana Rivadeneira, and Gabriela Alfonso, Se�orita Patronato.

Photo opportunities with these beautiful ladies were unlimited. Mr. Jorge Morfin, Director of the Canadian Tourism Commission, and Mr. Francisco Proa�o, Vicepresident of Metropolitan Touring both did a spectacular job of presenting the natural beauty of both countries. Your support of our events is appreciated.

With 196 attending this lunch, it was by far out largest lunch ever. Special thanks to ENCANA, DYGOIL, OCP, PETROBELL, SCHLUMBERGER, POOL INTERNATIONAL, QUIPORT, WEATHERFORD, SWANBERG, and the CANADIAN EMBASSY for purchasing tables.




Ecuador, �Un pa�s predecible?

Esta conferencia est� dirigida a todos aquellos que se sienten perplejos ante la aparente inestabilidad, inpredictibilidad y fragmentaci�n de la pol�tica ecuatoriana. En efecto, para casi todos los observadores parece imposible hacer proyecciones a un mediano plazo y planificar inversiones u otras actividades, ante un marco legal, normativo, procedural y pol�tico que parece tan fr�gil como un campo de arenas movedizas.

  EL Sr. Fernando Bustamante, es un experimentado especialista en an�lisis de riesgo pa�s, consultor de la Revista The Economist, y de importantes empresas de inversiones nacionales y extranjeras; abordar� los siguientes t�picos:

    �Es el Ecuador un pa�s ingobernable?

    Qu� es lo inestable y que es lo estable en el sistema Ecuatoriano?

   Instituciones Formales e Instituciones Consuetudinarias. La Ley: �es una Ilusi�n?

   �Qu� es lo que el sistema pol�tico ecuatoriano est� dise�ado para preservar?

    Clientelismo, Familismo y Corporativismo. Las tres instituciones centrales.

    El golpe de Estado es parte del sistema institucional.

Ecuador: A predictable

This talk is aimed all those who feel perplexed by the apparent instability, unpredictability and fragmentation of Ecuadorian politics.  To most observers it seems impossible to make medium term projections, plan investments and other activities in view of an apparently fragile and shifting legal and institutional framework.

 Mr. Fernando Bustamante,

is an experienced country risk analysis expert. He is currently a consultant for the The Economist Intelligence Unit and also for several major local and international investment firms.

He will address the following topics:

        Is Ecuador an ungovernable country?

       What is stable and unstable in the Ecuadorian system?

         Formal institutions and customary institutions and �habits�. Law: is it an illusion?

        What is it that the Ecuadorian political system is designed to preserve.

        Clientele networks, extended families and corporatism as the key l institutions 

       Coups are a part of the institutional system.

Price:  20 USD (incl Iva - Chamber Members)

25 USD (incl Iva - Non Members)

Lugar/Place: Marriott Hotel - Sal�n Amazonas










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