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Written by Administrator   
Friday, 20 October 2006



SITE: https://www.canadainternational.gc.ca/dbc/DoingBusinessWithCanada-en.aspx

SUMMARY: The Government of Canada's primary internet site for the international audience, Canada International is your one-stop source of information for preparing to do business in Canada. Buying, selling, investing, partnering and more...



SITE: www.infoexport.gc.ca

SUMMARY: The Trade Commissioner Service helps Canadian companies that have researched and selected their target markets abroad. Trade Officers (from the Department of International Trade Canada � ITCanada) work with Canadian companies that can demonstrate their commitment to succeed in the global marketplace through research, making key contact and exploring product/service expansion. The Department of Trade will work with small or large companies, new or experienced in foreign markets, to help prepare for the challenges of international business.

The Trade Commissioner Service provides the following 6 services to Canadian clients:
Market prospect information to assess your market potential in our region: geographic and/or sectoral information, advice on doing business, etc
Key contacts - Qualified contacts and partners in our region: buyers, distributors, lawyers, etc.
Local company information - Current information on businesses in our region
Visit information - Practical guidance on organizing your trip: hotels, interpreters, support services, etc�
Face-to-face briefings - Market intelligence from our officers in the field.
Troubleshooting advice on resolving critical business challenges


SITE: www.tfoc.ca


SUMMARY: The Trade Facilitation Office of Canada (TFOC) exists to assist developing countries on how to export to the Canadian market. TFOC provides information on the Canadian import market and is a source of training for exporting and for investment attraction for developing and transition economy countries.

TFOC is a not-for-profit organization and therefore charges for training and technical assistance programs.

 TFOC provides:
� Advice and training to assist with developing export and investment capability for foreign governments and private companies

� Seminars and guides for exporters from developing countries

� Sector-specific market reports

� Trade Missions to Canada for developing country exporters and buying missions to client countries for Canadian importers

� Database of qualified export contacts

� Newsletter outlining opportunities to Canadian importers, buyers and agents about export offers from developing countries



SITE: https://www.strategis.ic.gc.ca

SUMMARY: Strategis Canada is a resource that provides up-to-date commercial information about Canada.  This site provides databases of Canadian companies working within specific sectors and with specific capabilities.  As well, this site has tools to determine import and export trade statistics within Canada, and internationally. 



SITE: www.itc.ic.gc.ca/epic/internet/initc-cci.nsf/Intro

SUMMARY: ITCan regional offices are located in every province and work to help Canadian companies, primarily small-and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), to become exporters, diversify exports and support investment initiatives.


SITE: www.edc.ca

SUMMARY: Export Development Canada provides Canadian exporters with financing, insurance and bonding services as well as foreign market expertise.


SITE: www.ccc.ca

SUMMARY: The CCC specializes in international procurement markets for Canadian exporters and provides services to help them win export sales. The CCC helps with business leads, proposal preparation, contract negotiation, and contract management.


LINK:  Doing business in Canada.pdf (172.56 KB)

SUMMARY:  Bouchereau Lingua International is a Canadian organization specializing in courses on conducting business in Canada.  With centres in Toronto, Montreal, and Quebec, and more than 26 years of experience, BLI focuses on teaching executives the cultural and linguistical requirements for success in the Canadian business environment. 

Last Updated ( Thursday, 09 November 2006 )
Cambios en la Embajada
Written by Alex Ontaneda   
Friday, 29 September 2006


El se�or Embajador de Canad�, Christian Lapointe, fue designado como embajador ante la Rep�blica de Ecuador el mes de marzo del 2006.
El se�or Embajador nos acompa�a luego de una larga y distinguida carrera incluyendo los siguientes cargos: Director de la Direcci�n del Caribe, Centroam�rica y Regi�n Andina - MAECI; Director Adjunto de la Direcci�n de Am�rica del Sur - MAECI; Consejero (asuntos comerciales) en Par�s;  Director Adjunto de la Direcci�n de Marketing Internacional - MAECI; Director Adjunto, Asuntos Interamericanos - ACDI (adscrito en comisi�n de servicio).

Primer Secretario (asuntos comerciales) y C�nsul en La Habana; Segundo/Primer Secretario (cooperaci�n) y Vicec�nsul/C�nsul en Bamako; Agente de Desarrollo  en la Direcci�n General para las Am�ricas - ACDI (adscrito en comisi�n de servicio); Encargado de Proyectos en la Direcci�n General para las Am�ricas -  Agencia Canadiense de Desarrollo Internacional (ACDI).
Por favor acomp��ennos en darle al se�or Embajador una calurosa bienvenida y desearle �xitos en su nuevo reto profesional.


Le queremos dar la bienvenida al se�or Marc-Andre Hawkes el nuevo Vicec�nsul y Agregado Comercial de la Embajada de Canad� en el Ecuador.  Marc-Andr� ha trabajado en el Departamento de Relaciones Exteriores y Comercio Internacional Canadiense donde ha ocupado varias posiciones con el Post Support Unit y la European Union Division, trabaj� para Accenture en Toronto y para Microsoft en Redmond, USA.  Marc-Andr� es Master en Finanzas y tiene un Grado en Comercio Internacional.  Le agradecemos por su apoyo en la coordinaci�n y su participaci�n en nuestra misi�n Telecom 2006.  Marc-Andre continuar� participando en nuestros comit�s de Telecomunicaciones, Ambiente e Impacto social y Comercio.  Bienvenido Marc-Andr�.


Maggie reemplaza a la se�ora Esther Clark en la Embajada y continuar� participando en nuestro comit� de Educaci�n. Maggie tiene experiencia en el campo del desarrollo comercial, ha realizado extensos estudios sobre el ambiente pol�tico, cultural y econ�mico de Latinoam�rica que le han dado fundamentos s�lidos y le permitir�n  realizar un trabajo efectivo en el Ecuador. Maggie tiene una Licenciatura en Literatura Inglesa y est� por completar un post-grado en Gerencia Internacional.  Habla ingl�s, espa�ol y franc�s b�sico.  Bienvenida Maggie.

Last Updated ( Thursday, 12 October 2006 )
FIPA-Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement
Written by Alex Ontaneda   
Wednesday, 23 August 2006

FIPA-Foreign Investment Protection  and Promotion Agreement

En 1997, entr� en vigencia un acuerdo bilateral entre el Gobierno de Canad� y el Gobierno  del Ecuador que tiene como objetivo la protecci�n y la promoci�n de las inversiones extranjeras entre ambos paises (Foreign Investment Protection  and Promotion Agreement - FIPA). Este tipo de convenio tiene ventajes como aumentar el nivel de estabilidad y influir de manera positiva el desarrollo del pa�s en varios niveles.

Para mayor informacin sobre este tratado visite:


Last Updated ( Wednesday, 23 August 2006 )
FIPA-Foreign Investment Protection and Promotion Agreement
Written by Alex Ontaneda   
Wednesday, 23 August 2006

FIPA-Foreign Investment Protection  and Promotion Agreement

En 1997, entr� en vigencia un acuerdo bilateral entre el Gobierno de Canad� y el Gobierno  del Ecuador que tiene como objetivo la protecci�n y la promoci�n de las inversiones extranjeras entre ambos paises (Foreign Investment Protection  and Promotion Agreement - FIPA). Este tipo de convenio tiene ventajes como aumentar el nivel de estabilidad y influir de manera positiva el desarrollo del pa�s en varios niveles.

Para mayor informaci�n sobre este tratado visite:


Last Updated ( Thursday, 09 November 2006 )
Written by Michelle Fletcher   
Friday, 28 October 2005

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