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Estudio de Mercado: El Mercado del Aceite de Oliva en Canad�
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 20 July 2007



Los consumidores canadienses est�n reajustando su consumo de grasas y aceites comestibles en base a h�bitos de alimentaci�n y nutrici�n m�s saludables, y est�n consumiendo una mayor cantidad de aceites vegetales, los cuales ganan terreno a las a�n populares grasas animales.

En este cambio de alimentaci�n, se ha beneficiado el aceite de oliva, cuyo consumo es apoyado por organismos e instituciones internacionales y nacionales, y cuyo r�pido crecimiento en ventas muestra c�mo se est� afianzando su consumo. Canad� no produce aceite de oliva porque sus caracter�sticas climatol�gicas no lo permiten, por lo que el pa�s es importador neto de este producto. El consumo anual per capita de aceite de oliva en Canad� es de 0,01Kg., en Espa�a es de 11,4Kg y en Grecia es de 20,6Kg.

Last Updated ( Monday, 30 July 2007 )
Canada Day
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 20 July 2007


On June 20th, 1868 by means of a proclamation signed by the General Governor Lord Monck, all the subordinates of the Majesty in the Canadian territory were called to get together for commemorating the union of the British North America�s provinces in only one Federation with the name of Canada, on July 1st of that year. Originally, this festivity was in 1879 with the name of �Domination�s Day" but in October, 1982 it was changed to Canada Day. Since then, the Canada Day (F�te du Canada in the other official language) is celebrated on July 1st every year.

Since 1958, the Federal Government has had the responsibility to carry out this celebration. At the beginning, the ceremony consisted in a show with a lot of outdoor flags in the Parliament Hill gardens. It was a ceremony during the afternoon; it was followed by a musical concert and a spectacular pyrotechnic games party. In 1967, the Queen Isabel II participated in this national holiday to commemorate the Canada�s centenary.

This kind of ceremonial format changed in 1968 with the incorporation of professional and multicultural concerts offered in the Parliament�s outskirts with a televised show. Until 1975 the celebration known as the �Canada Festival" was centered in the region of the national capital during the month of July and it included a lot of cultural, sports and artistic activities as well as different voluntary and municipal organizations.  

A new way was developed in 1980 and with this the National Committee (Federal Government Organization�s Committee in charge of the celebration�s planning) stressed and supported the local celebrations` developments along the Canadian territory. The initial contribution was distributed in order to promote popular activities and of fans organized by voluntary groups in hundreds of local communities.

The same approach was kept in the celebrations of 1981 with the incorporation of the pyrotechnic games party in fifteen of the most important cities in the whole nation as Toronto and Montreal.

Finally, Canada Day is for all the citizens the moment of the year in which all the Canadians meet to celebrate the valuable coalition of their variety of cultures in a single nation.

Source: http://www.pch.gc.ca/progs/cpsac-ccsp/jfa-ha/canada_e.cfm



Last Updated ( Monday, 30 July 2007 )
Mensaje de la Directora Ejecutiva- Julio 2007
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 20 July 2007


En este a�o, el 1 de julio, D�a de Canad�, tuvo lugar nuestro tradicional desayuno canadiense, el Stampede Breakfast, al estilo de Calgary. Los asistentes (alrededor de 170 personas) tuvieron la oportunidad de disfrutar y compartir con los dem�s socios, sus familiares y amigos momentos muy agradables y celebrar adem�s el D�a de Canad�.  Como ya es una tradici�n en la CCEC, este evento tuvo lugar en la residencia de nuestro apreciado socio y amigo Leslie Smith.


Last Updated ( Thursday, 02 August 2007 )
Message from the Executive Director - Julio 2007
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 20 July 2007


This year, on July 1st, Canada Day, was held our traditional Canadian breakfast, the Stampede Breakfast. The participants (around 170 people) had the opportunity to enjoy and share nice moments with  the members, their families and friends, and also to celebrate the Canada Day.  As it is already a tradition in the ECCC, this event took place at the residence of our dear member and friend Leslie Smith

Last Updated ( Thursday, 02 August 2007 )
Mensaje del Presidente-Julio 2007
Written by Administrator   
Friday, 20 July 2007


Como es de su conocimiento, nuestra C�mara se encuentra liderando la Federaci�n de C�maras Binacionales del Ecuador (FECABE).  Me es grato informarles que entre otras actividades que viene realizando la Federaci�n, el pasado 12 de julio se procedi� a suscribir el Convenio REDCO con la CORPEI, con el objeto de establecer un Punto de Contacto, Intercambio y Difusi�n de Informaci�n que facilite el trabajo de promoci�n de exportaciones e inversiones, as� como tambi�n apoyar la creaci�n o consolidaci�n de Centros de Informaci�n Comercial en las instalaciones de los miembros de la Red, para que �stos puedan generar su propia inteligencia comercial y brindar estos servicios a los usuarios de las C�maras afiliadas.


Last Updated ( Thursday, 26 July 2007 )
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